A6M2 Zero Kamikaze

Unit Card:


Set - Rarity - Number

Task Force - Common - 49/60


The Kamikaze was an idea born of desperation. With Japan's losses at Midway, Guadalcanal, and the Philippines, it was decided to begin "Special attack" operations immediately. Even before these, if a Japanese pilot's plane was damaged, it was not uncommon for him to deliberately ram his wounded aircraft into the target. The reason for this was Imperial Japan's code of honor. They saw their emperor as a divine ruler, and if were asked, would gladly die for the honor of Japan.

Although several aircraft were used in Kamikaze operations, the one most often used was the Zero. Although its speed and manueverability was no longer a match for the American F6F-3-Hellcat , it still proved to be an ideal platform for missions of this type. Often, the Kamikaze zeroes would be accompanied by better equipped fighters to distract the American defenders while the explosive-laden Zeroes went in for their dives.

The Kamikaze program was an extremely costly gamble that sunk several and damaged many allied ships, and spelled Japan's final defeat.

Ominiously, it was said that Japan had over five-thousand suicide aircraft of different types ready for the planned invasion of the Home Islands.


The Kamikaze, with its very limited capability, functions largely as a point filler in War at Sea games, but to be used most successfully, probably should be taken in numbers. In Japanese air builds, one way to offset American air-power is to bring larger numbers of aircraft than the Americans can (by virtue of the lower cost of Japanese units). In this context, consider the Kamikaze for a cheap way to replace the loss of your other aircraft (keeping sectors full of attackers) or to place first, forcing a US player to place his aircraft before your more capable aircraft must be deployed.

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