As written by OutpostEagle
Axis & Allies Miniatures (AAM) is a miniature wargaming system that includes both a rule set and a line of 1/100 scale plastic miniatures. The game is set in the World War II era with units representing individual vehicles, artillery, and squads of infantry. Originally, the scale for vehicles was variable (10-15mm). With the introduction of Set 6 (1939–1945) they re-scaled the vehicles to 15mm. Infantry and Aircraft have always kept the same scale (15mm and 1/240 respectively). The game system was first released in 2005 and was discontinued after the introduction of Set X - Counter Offensive 1941–1943, in October of 2010. The game system was originally produced by Avalon Hill, a division of the game company Wizards of the Coast, which itself is a subsidiary of Hasbro.
AAM focuses on the tactical battle, with units fielded on either side of the battle being rarely greater than a company. Each piece is assigned a point value so that balanced matches can be constructed. Tournament play is typically done with 100 points per side, with infantry units usually having values of fewer than 10 points each and vehicles range from less than 10 to 50 or more based on relative strengths of the historical units on which they were based. Scenarios may alter these numbers or otherwise determine the constitution of each side. The map board consists of 2" hexes, with different terrain types represented within. Along with the scale change for the vehicles beginning with Set 6, the maps were changed to 3” hexes. This larger hex made room for the increased size of the units and the increased stacking limit in each hex (increased from 2 to 3). Most set-ups are fewer than 20 hexes in either dimension. Combat resolution is done by rolling pools of standard six-sided dice.
The game was sold in two different configurations, Starter Sets and Boosters. Starter sets included both Axis units and Allied units and included everything you needed to play a game. The earlier starter sets included a set number of random units, maps, rule books, game counters, and dice. Later starter sets included pre-selected units. To expand your army, Boosters were sold that included a fixed number of random units. Sets 1-5 included 9 units, while Sets 6-10 included only 5. Along with scale change, many of the cards from the earlier sets were revised and released as PDFs that could be downloaded and printed. Expanded Rules were also published with revised rules. They were sold separately and included 3” hex maps.
Table of contents:
- Countries represented in Axis & Allies Miniatures - You will find in this topic countries and their represented units in the game including all 511 units of AAM, plus the compatibles units of AAAF.
- Sets published for Axis & Allies Miniatures - Including officially sold, promotional and compatible sets.
- Rules and FAQs of Axis & Allies Miniatures
- Maps for Axis & Allies Miniatures