Unit Card:
Set - Number
Angels 20 - 15/31
Although overshadowed in popular imagination by the Spitfire, the single-seater Hawker Hurricane was the backbone of the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain, and accounted for over 60% of the RAF’s total kills. It served in all major theaters of the war, and as such is a prime unit to be represented in the game, through many different nations and many different pilot skill levels. First ordered for production in 1936, the Hurricane underwent several variants throughout the war and was adapted to many rolls beyond that of a fighter interceptor. Some 14,000 Hurricanes were produced. As a fighter, the Hurricane was slower than the Spitfire and Bf109E, though it could outturn both of them. And despite its performance deficiencies, it could still destroy a Bf109E with well-placed ordinance.
The Hurricane excels in a turning fight, and thus has a turn score of 5. It has an adequate roll score of 4. Unfortunately, it has a mediocre Climb score, though not one so abysmal that the Hurricane couldn’t climb at all. If you need to climb, you should consider using climbing status for the +4 boost. The dive score of 2 has so far in play experience proved a negligible weakness. The Hurricane had a sturdy frame with a reputation for ruggedness, and this is reflected in its relatively high vital score of 7, while having 3 armor and 3 hits are fairly standard for any aircraft that you plan on using frequently. The gunnery score of 6-4-2 is enough to get the job done and is the same as the Spitfire’s gunnery score, though you’ll want to be at range 1 or 2 most of the time. The Hurricane is a slower aircraft, moving only 2-3 hexes at normal speed and having a Hi Speed of only 4. You’ll want to carefully maneuver the Hurricanes to avoid giving the opponent too many shots before you can get into position. The standard model comes with an average pilot and the Steady Shooter SA. If you don’t attempt any difficult maneuvers, your Hurricane rolls an extra die which can be the critical difference between a hit and a miss.
The standard Hurricane fits very nicely into 100 points and mixes well with the Spitfire. You can bring
2 standard Hurricane and 1 Spitfire Ace for 100 points. The Hurricanes can be used to move first and offer your Spitfire the chance to go later. The second Hurricane can cover the first Hurricane if necessary. Against opposing builds with fewer aircraft, the Spitfire initiative boosting SA may allow you to move just a single Hurricane before your opponent has moved all of his planes, allowing you to focus your remaining Hurricane and Spitfire on a target, and to maneuver for tailing advantage. Don’t expect your Hurricanes to make it through the end of the game, but if you do lose both Hurricanes, you can take heart that your opponent has not reached the 60 points he needs for victory. If you start with an advantage, hopefully that advantage is enough to keep your second Hurricane alive long enough to create a victory. Hurricanes excel in a turning fight, while being terrible in a vertical fight. If your opponent has aircraft that can Climb or Dive well, you want to use your turns and rolls to take your Hurricanes out of position so that you can maneuver for advantage on a later round or safely end in Climbing status. If you do have enough room to Climb with your Hurricanes prior to engagement, you should attempt to climb to avoid giving your opponent too many climbing chances.